Monday to Sunday
9.30 am - 6.00 pm

3380 k Real Canoli road Californiya, US 100023

Like to Visit the museum? Tickets are available online
Unique, Local-Interest Collections
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Kings of History
Art Inspiration of 19th Century
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King's Krown
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Pastel Painting
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Werner Gallery
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Ancient Building
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Leading Museum of
Modern Art
Founded in 1942 as an educational institution based in California, The Liberty Museum is committed to
producing distinctive exhibitions and public programming on Asian art.

Welcome to the Brentwood Historical Society Website
Brentwood is a rural town of some 4,000 residents in the southeast corner of New Hampshire, 17 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean.
The Brentwood Historical Society was formed in the 1960s with the mission of bringing together people interested in history, especially the history of Brentwood, and the objective of collecting material that establishes and illustrates the history of the area. Over the years, the Society has gathered thousands of objects of historical importance to the town. The Society shares its resources through the museum, genealogical and other research, tours, and educational presentations.
About the Museum
The Brentwood Historical Society Museum is housed in the historic Grange building at 140 Crawley Falls Road.
In October of 1982, the Grange deeded the building to the Town of Brentwood, and the Selectmen turned the guardianship of the building over to the Historical Society. The Three rooms on the first floor have been dedicated to the museum exhibits and programs. This building also serves as the headquarters of the Society.

News and Updates
Volunteers Welcome!
(Volunteers Brenda Flanders & Barbara Swasey-Keir) Volunteers Welcome!(and needed!) The Brentwood Historical Society is seeking board members, committee members, and helpers. There are volunteer opportunities available for a variety of interests and skills. The Society is governed by a Board made up of officers and directors. It is an…
Read MoreBake Sale Success!
The Historical Society’s bake sale held at the primary voting polls on Tuesday, January 16 was a resounding success, with all items sold before the polls closed! The Society is grateful to everyone who bought goods and made extra donations to the cause. And, of course, especially crucial to…
Read MoreEvents

A sampling of some of our most recent and also upcoming events at the museum.
Historical Brentwood Collections
In its 58 years of existense, the Society has amassed items of local, regional, historical and cultural interest. These are activley curated into and presented as a variety of different collections that should appeal to residents of Brentwood and surrounding towns.
Exhibits at the Museum
Explore the
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Discover Collection

Art Collection
History of Barnes
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Visit the Museum

Our calendar has entries for all the regularly-scheduled openings of the museum as well as the special events.

Any questions about your visit? Have any specific requirements? Contact us by web form, email or phone.

Come and Enjoy
Allow plenty of time for your visit in order to be able to enjoy all we have to offer.
Find The Museum
Our Location

140 Crawley Falls Road,
NH 03833