
Membership in the Brentwood Historical Society

If you have been thinking of becoming a member, we invite you to join.

An individual membership is $15.00 for a year, a family membership is $25.00, and an individual lifetime membership is $200.00.  A business/institutional membership is $25.00 per year.

Members receive the Society’s newsletter, notification of Society activities, and an invitation to the annual meeting.

The Society uses membership fees to care for the collection and to present educational programs and exhibits.  In 2024, the Society plans to continue to use the meeting space in the upstairs Grange room for community events, just as it has been used over the past 125 years.

You can find a membership application/membership renewal form, directly below, or call the Museum at 603-642-8944 and request to have a form sent to you. Additionally you can email your request to us.

Thank you for your support of the Brentwood Historical Society!

You can print a copy of the form directly from here using the tools in the top, right corner, or download to your computer.